Sunday, 17 April 2011

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: My Tane and kids doing some work

It's the school holidays and what better place to be than down the lake.  We went down this weekend to tautoko Nanny Rachel and her family during the unveiling.
Also my husband, daughter and nephews are staying for the week through Easter and ANZAC Day to do some mahi at the marae and see what else they can help with.

Winter is coming so it is important that preparations are made and some help is given to the older hapu members at the lake particularly with physcial work and fire wood.


ANother Successful Tukutuku panel Wananga

Another successful weekend with the dedication of our small team and our Korohe people/

Next weekend prior to winter is 14 - 16 May... COME ALONG !!

Friday, 1 April 2011

A Start

Kia ora,  This BLOG is the result of a desire by me and my cousin Mandy to spread the news about our land, our people and our hapu to our very own people.  For years we have been working in many different areas for our land, our people and our hapu, along with a core group of whanau.  We also hope that this BLOG site and our FACEBOOK page and EMAIL address will also aid in getting connected with the people of our hapu to share the news of what is happening and to get more people involved and get help.  CHECK out all the pages we have started with.......

We know our hapu is big, with many people who have many different skills and thoughts.  Over the past years our core numbers have dwindled my own parents have passed during our journey to build our marae.  Luckily we have had some people return from overseas and other parts of the country as they have discovered what we have known for some years - this place is beautiful, strength comes in numbers and givings is the greatest gift of all.

In particular we want to focus on the completion of our a marae meeting late last year I was awakened to other concerns people have about our own people, some of the difficulties that are being faced and it dawned on me that we needed a place and forum in which people could go to not only discuss concerns but also celebrate our hapu.  Traditionally, a marae would serve this purpose - as a place to go and meet and plan to address issues.

I got married in the gardens above the developing marae and we had the reception on the water-front with a pig on a spit and a bonfire on the beach.